How to Cast On Knit for Beginners Should Know

Casting on is the first step to starting the loops on the needle. As a beginner, learning how to cast on knit may be a bit overwhelming since it offers different ways to do it.

However, you can learn simple techniques like the backward loop, the long tail, and the knitted cast-on. Here are some guides about the cast-on knit for beginners.

Cast On Knit

What Is Cast On?

Generally, cast-on refers to the knitting process to create the initial loops of yarn on the needle. Cast on also has a few techniques to create a slightly different starting edge for the project.

In addition, there are so many types of cast-on which are divided into categories such as two-strand and one-strand. Short-tail or one-strand cast on usually using only one strand of yarn.

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So, you can start a new project by using a one-strand cast-on and adding more stitches in the middle of the process. While long-tail or two-strand cast-on requires two strands of yarn to start new projects.

How to Cast On Knit for Beginners  If you want to successfully cast on, you need to follow the instructions. You also need to prepare the supplies like yarn and knitting needles. So, here are the easy instructions on how to cast on knit, as follows:

How to Cast On Knit for Beginners

If you want to successfully cast on, you need to follow the instructions. You also need to prepare the supplies like yarn and knitting needles. So, here are the easy instructions on how to cast on knit, as follows:

How to Cast On Knit How to Cast On Knit How to Cast On Knit How to Cast On Knit How to Cast On Knit

1. Tie a Slip Knot

Mostly cast-on techniques begin with a slip knot to create a new project. So, here are the steps to make a slip knot, such as:

  • First, you should hold the yarn to make the tail part hang in front of your hand.
  • Then, wrap the yarn behind the two fingers of the left hand. Make sure that the yarn loops around the fingers clockwise.
  • Try to take the part of the yarn and slip it back under the loop behind the fingers.
  • After that, slide this off your fingers and pull it to tighten, and slip it over the knitting needle.
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2. Open the Loop and Wrapping the Yarn

In this step, you should hold the needle with a slip knot in your left hand while the empty one in the right. Slight the right-hand needle to begin the cast-on into the loop on the left hand.

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