Screen Printing vs Digital Printing, Which Is The Best to Use?

There are several printing methods that you can choose from when you want to print t-shirts. The most popular methods for printing t-shirts are screen printing and digital printing. If you compare screen printing vs digital printing, what are the differences, and which is the best?

Both screen printing and digital printing use different processes in applying ink to t-shirts. Then, the printing results are different between screen printing and digital printing. Let’s see which is better between screen printing vs digital printing, below:

What is Screen Printing?

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This printing method in the process involves stenciling and using it to apply a layer of ink to the printing surface. Then, a different stencil is used to apply each color. Then, they are combined to achieve the final look.

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Screen-printing is also the most widely known and used because traditional techniques have been used for thousands of years. However, the development of technology has improved the quality, efficiency, and accuracy, although the main concept remains the same. It is still the ink that is pushed through the stencil screen.

What is Digital Printing?

If you want to know screen printing vs digital printing, now is the time for you to know the definition of digital printing. The basic difference is, screen printing has existed for centuries, digital printing has only been around for about 15 years.

In digital printing, the process involves a special inkjet printer that functions to print textile ink. Then, the image on the screen is converted into a format that can be printed onto the surface you want.

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