What is Digital Printing and Why This Method Better? You Should Know!

In certain situations, what is digital printing may have different interpretations. Some consider this a modern way, but there are also those who feel that this is only a solution for short-term printing. But what exactly does digital printing mean?

Discussing the history of printing, always starts with Gutenberg. The Gutenberg era is considered the revolution of the age of printing, and is also a transition from the manual press to automation. So this is what causes a lot of significant influence to occur in this industry.

Now, the printing industry has become one of the most sophisticated. It’s also because of the presence of more varied printing machines. One of the most popular printing machines today is digital printing, which is a digital-based image printing process.

As the name implies, digital printing means that almost all the elements used rely on digital tools. The file is in the form of a PDF and then transferred to be printed on photo paper, fabric, cardstock, and other printing substrates.

What is digital printing

The Advantages of Digital Printing

With the importance of the printing process, what must be discussed now is to find out what are the advantages of this kind of printing. This is not only about loading paper or printing substrates into the printer to start the printing process.

What is digital printing is actually has been discussed a lot of times. This is the result of the evolution of the printing industry, and now the output of high-quality digital prints. And for the advantages, if we compare it with other printing methods, here are some of them:

  1. Faster Response Time

The first advantage is that the response time is better than other printing methods. The machine’s minimal setup is also why the system can work more instantly. Color-match capability is also one additional reason.

  1. Personalized Print Jobs

Every printing result after you know what is digital printing will directly get you what you aim for. The printing process allows you to customize. You can customize each piece of it so that it becomes a design that looks attractive.

  1. More Choices in Materials

The reason many choose to use the digital printing method to produce the t shirt or the like is because of the many material choices. You can not only print one material but there are many more varied and available options.

  1. More Ink Color Options

Digital print relies on more modern printers. So when you know what is digital printing, you can also find out what types of ink you can use on the printer. Generally, there is no limit as color and ink options can be used.

  1. Better Proof Cycle

We chose digital print because this is one method whose proof cycle in use is guaranteed. There’s no reason the machine breaks down after a few uses. All will be able to be used for a longer period of time.

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