6 Types Of Collars On Shirts For Female, You Should Check it Out!

The first type which is often used for female shirts is the pointed flat collar. This type of collar has a narrow cut with squared ends which gives a strong look for the female style.

The pointed flat collar has a rounded base shape which is sewn orderly around the neckline. Based on the shape of the collars, the look of shirts that use the point flat shirts will be simpler than other types of collars.

2. The Peter Pan Collar

Types Of Collars On Shirts For Female

Almost the same as the previous types, the peter pan collar also has a rounded base shape that is sewn around the neckline. The different side between the peter pan collar and the pointed flat collar is located on the shape of the collar ends.

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The peter pan collar has a round end which gives youth style. This collar is one of the most common collar styles with curved edges and small size.

3. The Chelsea Collars

Types Of Collars On Shirts For Female

These types have a V shape that is sewn around the neckline. This style will be suitable for someone who has a beautiful neckline and shoulder. If someone wants to show her shoulder or neck more, the Chelsea collars will be the best recommendation.

4. The Wing Collars

Types Of Collars On Shirts For Female

Seems like a couple of wings, the wing collars have stiff material which gives a beautiful look to the shirt. This collar type is also known as whisk collars. Forming as a wing, this style will be suitable for both male and female styles.

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5. The Bertha Collar

Types Of Collars On Shirts For Female

Larger than the other types of collars on shirts, the bertha collar has a unique pattern and style. Different from the other collars, this collar type uses lace with a flower pattern as the main material. However, the lace that is used is big and gives a beautiful look to the shirts.

6. The Bow Tie Collar

Types Of Collars On Shirts For Female

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