Cashmere vs Merino Wool | What is The Difference? Which is Better?

To make a comparison of Cashmere vs Merino Wool, the best way is to compare them with their characteristics. Just as explained with the key points below:

1. Breathability

In general, wool is the most breathable fabric because it comes from natural fibers. Just like it was used to keep the animal cool or warm or dry, depending on the season.

But out of the two, Cashmere is the most breathable. Because the individual fibers are a bit finer, the result is a thinner fabric.

2. Durability

Just because both of them need special care does not mean it’s delicate. Both are durable as long as they’re taken care of properly.

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You have to wash and dry them correctly, otherwise, they tend to shrink and misshapen. Their best characteristics of them are flame-resistant and capable of self-extinguishing.

But since the Merino wool fibers are not as fine as Cashmere, Merino tends to be slightly more durable. Because the fibers are also a bit stronger, Merino has more practical uses than Cashmere does.

3. Texture

As the fibers are finer and thinner, the feel of Cashmere is a bit softer than Merino. But among the sheep’s wool, Merino is the softest. But still, it can feel stiff and itchy to people who have a wool allergy.

4. Warmth

Both are warm and mainly used for winter clothing. But Cashmere tends to be slightly warmer due to the softness and thinness of the fibers.

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This allows the fabric to be made with different thicknesses. This thickness can affect how warm it is, as long as it is not too thick. Which can make the cashmere too warm.

5. Odor Resistance

In general, the characteristic of wool fabrics is that they have a natural odor resistance. Both Cashmere and Merino are not necessarily better at resisting odors.

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